Saturday, July 9, 2016

Why I Number My Students

Hello everyone!

I was recently browsing a group on Facebook that I am a part of called First Grade Gab. I think it is SUCH  wonderful group, I've gotten so many ideas, and so many questions answered that I didn't know I had. If you're in primary and haven't joined the should think about it! 

I read a post recently where someone asked what the logic is about numbering kids. I have to say that I didn't realize that people were against it! While reading her comment I could see what she meant. Assigning numbers to children can seem a bit impersonal at first. I can see both sides. However, I assigned my kiddos numbers mid year and now SWEAR by it! I will never go back! I am here to give you my TOP FIVE REASONS that you SHOULD number your kids! This is a pretty long post, but I think it is worth the read if you are debating or looking for new ideas!

Ms. Morris' Top Five Reasons to Assign Numbers

This is probably my favorite reason for numbering my kids. Numbering your kids makes it easy to see who is missing. I can't tell you how many times I've had to quickly do a head count to make sure I had all of my kiddos before moving on. Remembering names had me ALWAYS forget someone. When I decided to assign numbers, I knew that I had 20 kids and that every number from 1-20 needed to be accounted for before I left. A good example would be a fire drill. At the end of the year, I took my kiddos to visit a 2nd Grade classroom when my mentor teacher came to whisper that we would be having a fire drill shortly. Instead of panicking I knew that I could account for all of my kids quickly by starting with number 1 and counting up to 20 matching a number with a face as long as I knew which numbers were already absent. Makes it easy! My second example would be getting kids from recess to lunch. I always did lunch duty, and my teammates would bring my kiddos in. They did their best to make sure everyone was accounted for. However, with 100 first graders I knew I needed to double check. I could easily say, "Hey, where's Lisa?" and they could respond with "Oh! I forgot to tell you that she went to the nurse!" All kids accounted for? Check!

This one is probably the most obvious reason to number. I went through half of my first year with hearing "I was here first!" or "Ms. Morris he cut in line!" To say I was tired of it was an understatement. Lining up felt like a chore instead of something that was a smooth taught procedure. I was even more frustrated because there WAS a set procedure! Hallway hands and bubbles people! Let's get it together! But we all know children. These littles need all of the social and emotional education they can get. Mid year I told my kids that they were each getting a special number. And that from now on we would be lining up in Cubby Order no matter what. (Their numbers were based on their cubbies which were in alphabetical order) It eliminated friends running and hurting each other to be first in line. Everyone had a spot. The only two people out of order were the line leader and the caboose. 

I got this idea from another teacher blogger. I will try to find the blog so that I can edit and give her credit for the idea! My kiddos last year really struggled with lining up before and after recess to come in for lunch. When I found this idea I was sooo happy! Each kiddo is assigned a number for cubby order. I ask them to get in a "yes" line. A yes line is a line that is so good (quiet, straight, in order) that whatever question they ask me I would want to answer "yes" because they were so together. In our  case the question was always about sitting where they would like for lunch instead of cubby order. Before recess I do a call and response with the kids.
Me- If you want to sit wherever you would like for lunch...
Class- We need to be in a "Yes" line
Me- In how many seconds?
Class- Ten Seconds!
Me- Alright. Go.
Once they were settled I would pick a stick and that friend would ask, "Ms. Morris can we sit where we want?" I would say "Yes, you sure can" if they were able to pull it together in cubby order with hallways hands and bubbles. If they we're not able to I would say "We didn't make it today, but maybe tomorrow, go play." They didn't need any further explanation. And I didn't need to take anything away. Cubby order for lunch had been the norm, so they were excited to get to sit out of it!

I use the kids numbers to label everything! They quickly learn their numbers and their friends. Glue sticks? Numbers on top. If we find one on the floor, we know who it belongs to! Pencils? Kids that can keep a pencil with their number on it for a certain period of time can earn a small prize. If pencils end up lost, they have numbers on them and can be returned to the right owner. Clip Chart? Numbers help with anonymity for any classroom visitors. On top of all of this, using a number system helps me reuse materials over and over again! 

I have my kiddos write their names and numbers on every paper. They highlight their number as well! When I'm grading, I can put the papers in number order to quickly enter them into the grade book. On top of that, when I need to hand back papers, I can have a student assist me because they can match numbers to numbers if it is too hard to read a name. When I am passing them back, I can pass them back right in the order that they are laid out in the cubbies too!

SO, what do you all think? Did you find a good reason to number the kiddos or a new way you can use numbers? I think it is only as impersonal as you make it. Using my lunch example from earlier, I would never say, "Hey where's number 5?" It will always be "Where is Lisa?" Kiddos need to hear their names. Numbers just help with organization and accounting for everyone! I started using numbers and will never go back! I am already getting cubby tags ready for August's littles to go with my Nautical theme!

I hope they like them!

Leave a comment and let me know if you number and why or why not? Let me know how else you use numbers to work for your room! 


  1. I number everything!! And I love it too---going to steal your idea for cubby line/yes line for lunch! Great idea!!! (We have to eat in our room...) never thought to do it on their clips, though.....going to purchase some super cute ones this year and add only numbers!!! 💜💜💜

  2. I'm cracking up while reading your comments about hallway procedures...two steps and we fall apart :) Love this post!
