Sunday, June 4, 2017

Packing...I Hate It

My apartment and classroom both look like war zones right now. When I walk into my classroom I immediately feel uncomfortable. I KNOW there has been so much work done. And I know that the majority of it is packed. But I STILL feel like there is so much to do! I will feel better when the kiddos have taken their items home, and when I am able to turn things in to their appropriate people. Check out packet, where are you?!

My apartment is another story. I am currently living in the same area that I am packing. Just today, I realized that I was running out of body wash with 6 days left and only 1 days worth of body wash left. I have packed up all of my extra bathroom items. And I am NOT going back into an already packed box! No way! So what did I do? I went to the store and bought more body wash. Call me crazy, but once its packed...I'm done with it!

Take a look at this mess:

This is the box I refuse to close because I may need something to eat off of! So I have my plastic ware packed up, but can't commit...just in case! 

WHAT A HANGER MESS! Okay, there WAS  method to my madness. I had packed up everything in my closet, and decided that I would wash and wear what was already dirty. Now, I can't decide if I am just going to pack those clothes in a travel bag, or if I am going to hang and bag them like I did my other clothes. Decisions....decisions...

My closet just makes me sad :(

Shout out to my roommate for being okay with my boxes all over the place!

And finally, this is my basket of things that need to be returned to school before I leave.

PHEW. I have come a long way, but still have my work cut out for me! This is the last week of school, and I need to get my mind on enjoying these last five days with my little ones. School is their safe place, and I've got to have my mind on them. Keep me in your thoughts, friends! 

Until next time-


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