Hello, friends!
It's been a while since my last post. Moving has a way of taking over your life! I don't think I was quite prepared to continue until I felt settled. I am finally unpacked, and am happy to say that I was picked up by another school district! This year I will be teaching 5th grade! I know what you're thinking...WOW that's a big jump! I'm thinking the same thing. I think that all grade levels have their pros and cons. The only thing that worries me about this older grade is the content. More specifically I worry about math! It was never a strong subject. I'll definitely have to work at it and teach myself before I teach my students, but I am really looking forward to it!
I have only seen my new classroom briefly in passing. My new administration took me on a tour of the school and I was able to see my room from the hallway. On Monday, I'll get to go in and see what's there. Until then, I am focused on all of the administrative things that come along with relocating and teaching in a new county. I just filled out a ton of online paperwork, and have some things to mail/fax in. I get to take my badge photo on Tuesday and this is all feeling so real!
With this new change, I have also made a huge change to the blog! I am making the move from Juice Box Crayon Central to Learning in Morris Code! You can find me here, on Instagram and on Facebook with those handles! Why did I make the change? Well, I am glad that you asked! Juice Box Crayon Central felt like an amazing identity when I thought that I wanted to teach primary grades only. While that may have been the case once upon a time, I have evolved as a person and a professional. I sought out this intermediate experience and am really excited to have it! After much thought, input from friends, and consideration, Learning in Morris Code felt like the perfect play on words! It also doesn't seem tied to any specific grade level. When I think about Learning in Morris Code, I consider Morris Code to be everything me and how I teach. It is EXACTLY what my students will learn in. It is so perfect. My best friend from middle school, Tiana, is the one that suggested a part of the name, and I was able to put together the rest pretty quickly.
I am looking forward to creating some new graphics and things to go along with this new identity. I am also hoping to do a little better at keeping up here, and adding to TPT. I need to get a move on! Haha!
Today, I want to leave you with a quote: "Every child deserves a champion; an adult who will never give up on them, who understands the power of connection and insists that they become the best they can possibly be." - Rita Pierson
Her words have been a driving force this summer. I am hopeful to build amazing connections with my new students and my new colleagues. What words help you push through your hardest times?
Miss Morris
P.S. Here's a little photo of the new Learning in Morris Code logo! What do you think?!
Learning in Morris Code
Thursday, July 27, 2017
Tuesday, June 6, 2017
Why I Am Leaving My Favorite School
Wow! It's been almost a full year since my last blog post went up. I was so excited with the development of my blog, and still failed to keep it up to date like I wanted to. What happened? Life. In the same month that school began, I was suddenly inspired to start graduate school. The plan was totally to wait. That did not happen. I don't regret it though. In one year, I'll be a master! However, it did come with a price. Between teaching my little crazies babies and reading/completing assignments for class, I didn't find much time for other things.
I started and stopped a lot of things this year. This blog. Relationships. Friendly, and otherwise. Instructional strategies. Parent communication strategies. Creating resources for TPT. An exercise routine. There was so much change. I changed doctors. I changed phone plans. I changed how I ate. And then went right back. I changed how I taught writing (For the better! Yay!) I changed how I interacted with others. I changed WHO I interacted with. I went through some health concerns. Through all of this change, there was one that that has not changed since before the school year started. I was and am still ready to return home to my family.
This brings me to the purpose of this blog post. Why am I leaving my favorite school?
With a very (and I mean VERY) heavy heart, I am leaving Carver Elementary School and St. Mary's County. Let me answer some questions that I know you have already before I continue:
When did you decide this? The want surfaced in July 2016 and my mental decision was made in August 2016 before school even began.
Are you moving back home for a boy (believe it or not, I have been asked this question so many times!)? Not at all.
Do you have a job already lined up? Not yet. But I am in the interview process and walking by faith and not by sight.
Will you still move if you don't get a job? Yes.
What will you do if you don't get a job? Focus on being a full time graduate student. It's a job in itself! Right now I am working double time by being a student, and teaching. Maybe I'll volunteer somewhere.
Where will you live? Lucky for me, my mama wants me back too! I'll move back home for now :)
Do you think you'll be happier? Yes. We all need an unwavering support system. Mine is my family. We may fuss and fight, but I will ALWAYS have them.
Okay, let's get back to my post. If you have more questions, don't be afraid to ask! As I think back on my time, I realize that I have had so many valuable experiences and made amazing connections. There are some people I really want to say some things to! Bare with me guys...this is going to take a while.
I have to start my list with you. I know things aren't the same as when we first moved in together, but you know what...people change and evolve and I think that its okay. Through everything that has and hasn't happened I want to give you my deepest gratitude. From the bottom of my heart, thank you. This wouldn't have been an opportunity I could have even considered if it weren't for you. I will forever be grateful for your kindness, selflessness, and encouragement when it mattered the most. I know we've both grown in different ways from living together. I appreciate you. Very much. Thank you.
I started and stopped a lot of things this year. This blog. Relationships. Friendly, and otherwise. Instructional strategies. Parent communication strategies. Creating resources for TPT. An exercise routine. There was so much change. I changed doctors. I changed phone plans. I changed how I ate. And then went right back. I changed how I taught writing (For the better! Yay!) I changed how I interacted with others. I changed WHO I interacted with. I went through some health concerns. Through all of this change, there was one that that has not changed since before the school year started. I was and am still ready to return home to my family.
This brings me to the purpose of this blog post. Why am I leaving my favorite school?
With a very (and I mean VERY) heavy heart, I am leaving Carver Elementary School and St. Mary's County. Let me answer some questions that I know you have already before I continue:
When did you decide this? The want surfaced in July 2016 and my mental decision was made in August 2016 before school even began.
Are you moving back home for a boy (believe it or not, I have been asked this question so many times!)? Not at all.
Do you have a job already lined up? Not yet. But I am in the interview process and walking by faith and not by sight.
Will you still move if you don't get a job? Yes.
What will you do if you don't get a job? Focus on being a full time graduate student. It's a job in itself! Right now I am working double time by being a student, and teaching. Maybe I'll volunteer somewhere.
Where will you live? Lucky for me, my mama wants me back too! I'll move back home for now :)
Do you think you'll be happier? Yes. We all need an unwavering support system. Mine is my family. We may fuss and fight, but I will ALWAYS have them.
Okay, let's get back to my post. If you have more questions, don't be afraid to ask! As I think back on my time, I realize that I have had so many valuable experiences and made amazing connections. There are some people I really want to say some things to! Bare with me guys...this is going to take a while.
To my roommate Ashley-
I have to start my list with you. I know things aren't the same as when we first moved in together, but you know what...people change and evolve and I think that its okay. Through everything that has and hasn't happened I want to give you my deepest gratitude. From the bottom of my heart, thank you. This wouldn't have been an opportunity I could have even considered if it weren't for you. I will forever be grateful for your kindness, selflessness, and encouragement when it mattered the most. I know we've both grown in different ways from living together. I appreciate you. Very much. Thank you.
To my first principal Annette Wood-
Thank you for believing in me, and giving me the chance to be a part of the Carver family. I couldn't have asked for a more supportive home away from home.
To my First Grade Team-
I could not have asked for a more caring, flexible, and talented group of ladies to spend my second year with. In the four of you I have found strength, I have found courage, and I have found my voice as a person and an educator. Each day I learn something new from each of you. This group has given us all a run for our money, and yet still- here we stand. No doubt that we could't have done it without each other!
Ashley- You are one of the kindest souls I know. Even when you aren't feeling it, you give your all to your kiddos. I know it's tough. Your students are better because of who you are.
Courtney- Thank you for always giving me a fresh point of view. Even when its something I DON'T want to think about. I know that with you I have a listening ear and a laugh. Thank you for your never ending support.
Sue- I could not have asked for a better mentor. You have been nothing but welcoming to me since I came to Carver. Thank you for always fighting for and with me. I have loved having you right next door, and no next door neighbor will be able to compare.
Luchrisha- Girl. I'm trying not to cry as I type this. I think its' crazy that someone can mean so much in such little time. I am glad that you were the addition to our team. You bring the funny, the sass, and the real. More importantly, you get me in a way that other people don't. I can't imagine not knowing you.
Ladies- In the words of Elphaba and Glinda: "Who can say if I've been changed for the better? But because I knew you...I have been changed for good."
THANK YOU. A million times over. THANK YOU.
To one of my Carver Best Friends-
Paola- I am fighting back tears as I type this. First off...I am so proud of you. You are an AMAZING teacher. And beyond that...you are an amazing person. For every ride when my car was acting up, for every joke, for every time I was able to vent to you...THANK YOU. I can't even put into words how much I am going to miss you. Facetime is going to be our best friend haha. Next year will be a rough transition without you. I love you, Beltran. So much. Thank you for being my best friend, and one of my favorite parts of Carver.
To my other Carver Best Friend-
Nina- I am probably now obsessed with Wine and Design just because I have the best time painting with you! I couldn't say thank you enough for all of the support you've given me in this last year. You have listened to me vent more times than I even want to admit. LOL. And you've never judged me for any of it! Thank you for sticking through every tough time. Thank you for being there when I just needed someone. Thank you for indulging me in my discussions about book characters as if they were real LOL. Thank you for $5 movie dates. You are an amazing and genuine friend. Keep in touch girl.
To the coolest parent and LuLaRoe Consultant ever-
CJ- I am broke and it is your fault. Lol. I am kidding, but I do have so many items from you! This year has brought us closer. From adult shenanigans, to bingo we always have a great time. You know me as a person, and you trust me each day with your child. You two have been such a big blessing in my life. Thank you for bringing so much sunshine!
My Book Buddy Dana Terry-
Dana, you have been like the big sister I never knew I needed. You have always looked out for me. I appreciate that more than I can say. Every hug, and every smile has made me feel so welcome. Thank you for giving me help, even when I didn't know that I needed it. Thank you for always lifting me up. And thanks for trying new wings with me, haha!
Polly Weeks-
I am in such awe of you. You are INSPIRING. Thank you for encouraging me to do what is best for me always. You continue to tell it like it is, but always with love. I don't think I would have truly considered moving without you! P.S. You truly ARE the child whisperer.
Nicole, Katie, Candace, Allison, Ashley, and Nina-
You ladies started me off well. You helped me find Pub Wings. You sang Karaoke with me when that's all I wanted to do for my birthday. You smile at me in the hallway. I will be forever grateful for the friendship each of you gave me that helped me get comfortable and be a part of the Carver family.
Nicole- I appreciate your help with my students. I learned a lot this year, and you have played a large role in that.
Katie- OMG I will miss your energy. Thank you for never changing! I can always count on you.
Allison- I look forward to the days that I am confident, cool, and collected like you are. Bet you didn't know I admired you for that.
Candace- You have such a beautiful and unique soul. You are a phenomenal teacher, and your students are lucky to have you.
Nina- See your own pic above lol
Ashley- You too girl. Thank you. Mean it.
To my administration-
Haha, I am so glad that this was captured. It captures the essence that is Carver Elementary School. Thank you both for trusting me. Thank you for encouraging me. Thank you for giving me the tools and support that I need to be a successful teacher. I grew in ways I couldn't imagine this year.
Denise- The way you handle your business inspires me. You are always on it. Because you lead by example, I am able to have something to aspire to.
Deanna- Where am I going to find another Assistant Principal like you? Thank you for allowing me to feel safe and valued. You encourage me to be myself, unapologetically.
You have bother made such an impact in who I am as an educator and I thank you for it!
And finally, to the rest of my Carver Family-
Make it past the pictures for my actual words hahaha
Wow! There are memories I have had at Carver that I KNOW I will not be able to get anywhere else. In Carver I found a family. I found support. I found laughter. I found people that understand. In one building, there is so much talent. I can walk into any classroom and find strategies I haven't even began to consider yet. Stephanie Lowery, I want to say thank you for mentoring me last year. There was so much to learn and remember, and with your help I survived. I was lucky to be assigned to you! I want to give a special thanks to Angela Stotts, Renada Ripple, Deb Mitchell, Dana Terry, Jamie Vickers, Ashley Mabry, and Keba Dennie for letting me observe your classes last year! A piece of each of you and what you do in your rooms will follow me everywhere I go! Thank you to Brenda Ridgell, Pat Donmoyer, Tiffany Hale, Deidre Wallace, and Kyvette Ruffin for supporting my kiddos throughout the year! It really does take a village, and I couldn't have done it without you. Thank you Donna Levay for always having my back with supplies.Thank you Ernestine Briscoe for not yelling at me all of the days that I forget to submit attendance.Thank you April Wathen for partnering with me to bring activities and standards to life for the kiddos. John Ballard- Thank you for the interactions you have with my kiddos. They think you are the coolest thing! Alison Forgue- thanks for sharing my love of books! Young adult novels for the win!! Thank you Mr. Binkley, Mr. Cutchember, Mr. Simms, and Mr. Tate for helping keep my classroom clean! Denise Rycraft- Oh my! For EVERY laugh- thank you. You just get it. Your students are lucky to have you. Mrs. Pearl- THANK YOU for every time you checked in on me and for being a safe place for my girls. They adore you. Tori White- Thanks for being my morning door buddy. I'll miss having you next door as the kiddos are walking in! For anyone that I didn't mention specifically- please know that I appreciate you. Because of you, I am a better educator. Because I you I can stand a little taller and be a little more confident.
This is going to be a big change for me. It was take some time to get used to not living on my own again. It will take some time to wrap my head around the fact that I don't know what I am doing yet. For those of you that know me well...you know that I hate the unknown. I am such a planner, and like to know what is happening before it does. But for now, we play the waiting game.
Now that I have written you a novel...Carver family- I love you. The time I have spent at this school will be with me forever. I could not have picked a better placement to begin my career. If I could pick Carver up and put it in Hagerstown where my family is, I would. Thank you for the never ending love, and support. I can't wait to share any updates with you all. I don't want to make this a goodbye. Let's make it a see you later.
With lots of love,
Sunday, June 4, 2017
Packing...I Hate It
My apartment and classroom both look like war zones right now. When I walk into my classroom I immediately feel uncomfortable. I KNOW there has been so much work done. And I know that the majority of it is packed. But I STILL feel like there is so much to do! I will feel better when the kiddos have taken their items home, and when I am able to turn things in to their appropriate people. Check out packet, where are you?!
My apartment is another story. I am currently living in the same area that I am packing. Just today, I realized that I was running out of body wash with 6 days left and only 1 days worth of body wash left. I have packed up all of my extra bathroom items. And I am NOT going back into an already packed box! No way! So what did I do? I went to the store and bought more body wash. Call me crazy, but once its packed...I'm done with it!
Take a look at this mess:
My apartment is another story. I am currently living in the same area that I am packing. Just today, I realized that I was running out of body wash with 6 days left and only 1 days worth of body wash left. I have packed up all of my extra bathroom items. And I am NOT going back into an already packed box! No way! So what did I do? I went to the store and bought more body wash. Call me crazy, but once its packed...I'm done with it!
Take a look at this mess:
This is the box I refuse to close because I may need something to eat off of! So I have my plastic ware packed up, but can't commit...just in case!
WHAT A HANGER MESS! Okay, there WAS method to my madness. I had packed up everything in my closet, and decided that I would wash and wear what was already dirty. Now, I can't decide if I am just going to pack those clothes in a travel bag, or if I am going to hang and bag them like I did my other clothes. Decisions....decisions...
My closet just makes me sad :(
Shout out to my roommate for being okay with my boxes all over the place!
And finally, this is my basket of things that need to be returned to school before I leave.
PHEW. I have come a long way, but still have my work cut out for me! This is the last week of school, and I need to get my mind on enjoying these last five days with my little ones. School is their safe place, and I've got to have my mind on them. Keep me in your thoughts, friends!
Until next time-
Sunday, August 7, 2016
What I Wish I Knew My First Year
Hi, friends!
Wow! I cannot believe that in about 2 weeks, I'll be really gearing up to be back in the classroom full time. Teachers report on the 18th and our new littles will come in for Open House on the 23rd and First Day of school on the 24th! Eeek! I am experiencing a whirlwind of emotions as I think about this new year. I am excited about the opportunity for new everything. New students, new classroom set up, new principal, and my team is getting a new teammate! There is so much change. With all of that excitement I am also feeling nostalgic. I already miss my babies from last year SO much! And how could I not? They were my very first group! I will miss their sassiness, their need for love, and their overall presence. I am also already missing my teammate that's switched grade levels! Yes...I will miss alot from last year. But, OH MY GOODNESS...there are so many things I am glad I know now...that I only WISH I knew last year! I couldn't possibly hit them all, but I'll take you through a few of my biggest wishes! You guys ready?!
Wow! I cannot believe that in about 2 weeks, I'll be really gearing up to be back in the classroom full time. Teachers report on the 18th and our new littles will come in for Open House on the 23rd and First Day of school on the 24th! Eeek! I am experiencing a whirlwind of emotions as I think about this new year. I am excited about the opportunity for new everything. New students, new classroom set up, new principal, and my team is getting a new teammate! There is so much change. With all of that excitement I am also feeling nostalgic. I already miss my babies from last year SO much! And how could I not? They were my very first group! I will miss their sassiness, their need for love, and their overall presence. I am also already missing my teammate that's switched grade levels! Yes...I will miss alot from last year. But, OH MY GOODNESS...there are so many things I am glad I know now...that I only WISH I knew last year! I couldn't possibly hit them all, but I'll take you through a few of my biggest wishes! You guys ready?!
Alright, I have to preface by saying I am not the end all know it all here! I have so much to learn and so much time to learn it! With that being said...there are some things I have picked up on in just one short year!
In undergrad I was a part of so many groups. Ice breakers were what we did whenever we we starting something new with new people. Ice breakers are GREAT. But they should not have been the first thing on my mind with my new 6 year olds. We played people bingo on the first day. Of course they LOVED it, but I SHOULD have been drilling procedures at that time. Later in the year I remember thinking...geeze Veronica you should have reviewed that procedure just a bit more. Ice breakers like people bingo could have come a little later once the kiddos knew what was expected of them. So, friends, do your ice breakers! Just be very strategic about when you do them :)
This kind of goes hand in hand with the last one. I didn't check pinterest and teacher bloggers pages for the procedures I needed to teach! I didn't know that it would bother me if kiddos got out of their seats to ask me questions. Now I do. You probably won't know what things you don't like until they happen. My advice to you would be to nip it in the bud the first time it happens! (In a loving way of course) I found the Whole Brain Teaching rules in the middle of the year and we used them in my room. It helped correct some of the unwanted behaviors that I didn't know I wouldn't want! Don't be afraid to change something if you realize what you have going on isn't working!
Whooo this one was a big one for me! This year I am thinking really long and hard about my behavior management and reward system. I changed things up on my littles so much last year! It was okay, because as a first year teacher, it is bound to happen. I just hated when my first graders weren't sure or there wasn't any consistency. We started the year off with "Cool Cash" tickets as a reward for modeling our school values. They could be cashed in at the end of the week for "something". Maybe a piece of candy, maybe a reward coupon. I tried the Whole Brain Teaching score board. After five days of more smiles they got 10 minutes of extra recess. I tried table points with the table getting the most points having lunch with the teacher. These were all great, but ended up being ALOT to manage! There were weeks I would fall off on the reward piece because it just became too much. Some groups never got their lunch with the teacher. Some reward coupons never ended up honored. That makes me so very sad when I think back! They definitely earned those rewards. As a teacher I know that management works on three different levels- individual, table/group, and whole class. This year I am intentionally thinking about what I can do to manage all of it without wanting to pull my hair out! I am also waiting to introduce the reward piece until the kiddos have had time to practice the expectations! That may seem a little backwards for some, but it is what will work for me!
Okay...this was more of a "Ms. Morris...you need to stick to it!" I started with a cup for sharpened and dull pencils. My students weren't allowed to sharpen pencils, so I had to have them sharpened for them. Somewhere along the line I stopped being proactive with the pencils and being reactive. BAD CHOICE FRIENDS! They will break quicker than you want, and you will end up spending lots of time sharpening pencils DURING class. I will keep up with my sharpening this year!
This should have been a given for me. I know young children. They need constant modeling! However, I saw the standards, and curriculum and felt like I needed to hurry. This year I am slowing down and taking the time to give my students exactly what they need --> modeling!
This one is kind of loaded. YES they could write letters. I made the mistake of jumping right into paragraph writing. Whoooa! I know, right?! This year we are starting with concepts as basic as how to color a picture. That is literally our second writing lesson this year, after the lesson on putting names on every paper.
My team was supportive from day 1 for me. I couldn't have made it without them! I took in all of their resources, but didn't always speak up if I needed something. We work really well together, and this year I will be sure to keep forging those relationships AND being someone they can lean on as well!
So there you have it folks! These are SOME of the things I learned. There is so much more, but I figure this has gone on long enough and I want to hear about some of the things you've learned! Comment some things you've picked up whether this is going to be your second year like me or you're a 22 year veteran! Happy Back to School friends!
Tuesday, July 19, 2016
MY Top Ten Jams for the Morning
Hey everyone!
Alright, I have to be honest. Music is my guilty pleasure. I sing all day, I watch music videos, I actually watch LYRIC videos on youtube. The building service workers at my school know me at "the singing one!" Music is my thing. Whenever my classroom gets too quiet, I put music on. (THANK GOODNESS for Kidz Bop because my kids beg me not to play the classical quiet music I like-hahaha!)
A lot of the time we see posts about the best songs to get the kiddos pumped and ready to start the day. This made me think about the adults in the room. In result of that, I took some time to think about what my favorite "Get Ready" jams are. These are songs that I listen to in the morning while I'm showering, putting on makeup, driving to work, and setting up in my room for the day. I GUARANTEE that there is something here for each of you! I am so versatile when it comes to music! I love it all! Also, I feel so lucky to work in a school where my jam sessions are OKAY in the morning before the kiddos get there! So let's get down to it, shall we?
10. End of Time by: Beyonce
Okay, truth. This song made the list simply because of the beat. The lyrics of the song have absolutely nothing to do with it. The beat gets me pumped no matter what time of day!
9. Welcome to the Show by: Britt Nicole
I was at the Dream On Revolve Girls Tour back when I was in high school (LOL I say that like it was so long ago) and the artist Britt Nicole started her mini concert out with this song. When I tell you it got everyone ready for the evening...I mean it! Get beyond the first 7 seconds (it has a circus like entrance), and you'll love it!
8. Why Not by: Hilary Duff
This one is for any 90s babies turned teachers like me. I don't know about you, but the old Disney Channel will always have a special place in my heart. And this song? It's golden! Why not take a chance??
7. Good to Be Alive by: Andy Grammer
My roommate and I love this one! It's all about the journey we go through in life. Things can be rough...but we make it through! Find that one thing that makes you happy! It's one of those windows down and wind blowing in your hair songs! (Maybe listen to this one on the way to school!)
6. Masterpiece by: Jessie J
I first got wind of this show when I was looking at the FB page for one of my favorite shows, Dance Moms. The girls made a short video as a promo using this song. And it just stuck! It has one of the most amazing messages. It's about going after what you want! The base in this song is amazing too!
5. I Love Me by: Megan Trainor ft. Lunch Boy Lewis
This is one of my new favorites! I walk around the house singing it! It's just so catchy!
4. Whistle (While You Work It) by: Katy Tiz
I came across this one through Dance Moms as well. This is for those days that things just have NOT gone your way. Your observation lesson tanked, you forgot your lunch at home, there's an unexpected staff meeting called, the copy machine jammed when you have 1 minute left to get your kids...we all know those days!
3. Don't Rain on My Parade by: Glee
(Yes, I know that's not the original...I just love Lea Michele's voice!) I feel like the title on this one is just self explanatory :))
2. Invincible by: Kelly Clarkson
This is one of me and my roommate's power jams! Kelly has always amazed me with her voice but this song completely resonates with everything that I am. It is so empowering!
Alright, I have to be honest. Music is my guilty pleasure. I sing all day, I watch music videos, I actually watch LYRIC videos on youtube. The building service workers at my school know me at "the singing one!" Music is my thing. Whenever my classroom gets too quiet, I put music on. (THANK GOODNESS for Kidz Bop because my kids beg me not to play the classical quiet music I like-hahaha!)
A lot of the time we see posts about the best songs to get the kiddos pumped and ready to start the day. This made me think about the adults in the room. In result of that, I took some time to think about what my favorite "Get Ready" jams are. These are songs that I listen to in the morning while I'm showering, putting on makeup, driving to work, and setting up in my room for the day. I GUARANTEE that there is something here for each of you! I am so versatile when it comes to music! I love it all! Also, I feel so lucky to work in a school where my jam sessions are OKAY in the morning before the kiddos get there! So let's get down to it, shall we?
Here are my TOP TEN Morning Jams starting with number 10 and counting down to number 1!
10. End of Time by: Beyonce
Okay, truth. This song made the list simply because of the beat. The lyrics of the song have absolutely nothing to do with it. The beat gets me pumped no matter what time of day!
9. Welcome to the Show by: Britt Nicole
I was at the Dream On Revolve Girls Tour back when I was in high school (LOL I say that like it was so long ago) and the artist Britt Nicole started her mini concert out with this song. When I tell you it got everyone ready for the evening...I mean it! Get beyond the first 7 seconds (it has a circus like entrance), and you'll love it!
8. Why Not by: Hilary Duff
This one is for any 90s babies turned teachers like me. I don't know about you, but the old Disney Channel will always have a special place in my heart. And this song? It's golden! Why not take a chance??
7. Good to Be Alive by: Andy Grammer
My roommate and I love this one! It's all about the journey we go through in life. Things can be rough...but we make it through! Find that one thing that makes you happy! It's one of those windows down and wind blowing in your hair songs! (Maybe listen to this one on the way to school!)
6. Masterpiece by: Jessie J
I first got wind of this show when I was looking at the FB page for one of my favorite shows, Dance Moms. The girls made a short video as a promo using this song. And it just stuck! It has one of the most amazing messages. It's about going after what you want! The base in this song is amazing too!
5. I Love Me by: Megan Trainor ft. Lunch Boy Lewis
This is one of my new favorites! I walk around the house singing it! It's just so catchy!
4. Whistle (While You Work It) by: Katy Tiz
I came across this one through Dance Moms as well. This is for those days that things just have NOT gone your way. Your observation lesson tanked, you forgot your lunch at home, there's an unexpected staff meeting called, the copy machine jammed when you have 1 minute left to get your kids...we all know those days!
3. Don't Rain on My Parade by: Glee
(Yes, I know that's not the original...I just love Lea Michele's voice!) I feel like the title on this one is just self explanatory :))
2. Invincible by: Kelly Clarkson
This is one of me and my roommate's power jams! Kelly has always amazed me with her voice but this song completely resonates with everything that I am. It is so empowering!
1. Slay by: Nia Sioux
If you have never heard of this song, my heart is aching for you! So much that I am putting the video to this song here. Another truth..this is by one of the Dance Moms girls! These girls get a lot of people saying hurtful things to and about them. Nia wrote this song to share with the world that EVERYBODY (no matter who you are) can slay! She doesn't mean slay as in slay a dragon...she means slay as in be amazing, do your best, always shining! Nia is a winner in my eyes. I listen to this song multiple times a day.
There you have it folks! Hopefully you found one song on this list that can inspire or empower you! Comment to let me know your other favorites! Before I go, here are some bonus songs that didn't make my list (not because they aren't great...but because I could only pick ten!)
Bonus Songs:
Can't Stop the Feeling by: Justin Timberlake
Happy by: Pharell
Walking on Sunshine by: Katrina and the Waves
America's Sweetheart by: Elle King
Beautiful by: Group One Crew
Star in Your Own Life by: Nia Sioux
Star in Your Own Life by: Nia Sioux
Brave by: Sarah Bareilles
Cheap Thrills by: Sia
Confident by: Demi Lovato
Fight Song by: Rachel Platten
Stand by You by: Rachel Platten
Here's to Us by: Glee Cast
I'll Make a Man Out of You by: Mulan Soundtrack
Irresistable by: Fall Out Boy ft. Demi Lovato
Just Like Fire by: Pink
Live Your Life by: TI ft. Rihanna
Roar by: Katy Perry
Shake It Off by: Taylor Swift
Sing by: Glee Cast
*I will add to this list every so often!!
Saturday, July 9, 2016
Why I Number My Students
Hello everyone!
I was recently browsing a group on Facebook that I am a part of called First Grade Gab. I think it is SUCH wonderful group, I've gotten so many ideas, and so many questions answered that I didn't know I had. If you're in primary and haven't joined the group...you should think about it!
I read a post recently where someone asked what the logic is about numbering kids. I have to say that I didn't realize that people were against it! While reading her comment I could see what she meant. Assigning numbers to children can seem a bit impersonal at first. I can see both sides. However, I assigned my kiddos numbers mid year and now SWEAR by it! I will never go back! I am here to give you my TOP FIVE REASONS that you SHOULD number your kids! This is a pretty long post, but I think it is worth the read if you are debating or looking for new ideas!
Ms. Morris' Top Five Reasons to Assign Numbers
This is probably my favorite reason for numbering my kids. Numbering your kids makes it easy to see who is missing. I can't tell you how many times I've had to quickly do a head count to make sure I had all of my kiddos before moving on. Remembering names had me ALWAYS forget someone. When I decided to assign numbers, I knew that I had 20 kids and that every number from 1-20 needed to be accounted for before I left. A good example would be a fire drill. At the end of the year, I took my kiddos to visit a 2nd Grade classroom when my mentor teacher came to whisper that we would be having a fire drill shortly. Instead of panicking I knew that I could account for all of my kids quickly by starting with number 1 and counting up to 20 matching a number with a face as long as I knew which numbers were already absent. Makes it easy! My second example would be getting kids from recess to lunch. I always did lunch duty, and my teammates would bring my kiddos in. They did their best to make sure everyone was accounted for. However, with 100 first graders I knew I needed to double check. I could easily say, "Hey, where's Lisa?" and they could respond with "Oh! I forgot to tell you that she went to the nurse!" All kids accounted for? Check!
This one is probably the most obvious reason to number. I went through half of my first year with hearing "I was here first!" or "Ms. Morris he cut in line!" To say I was tired of it was an understatement. Lining up felt like a chore instead of something that was a smooth taught procedure. I was even more frustrated because there WAS a set procedure! Hallway hands and bubbles people! Let's get it together! But we all know children. These littles need all of the social and emotional education they can get. Mid year I told my kids that they were each getting a special number. And that from now on we would be lining up in Cubby Order no matter what. (Their numbers were based on their cubbies which were in alphabetical order) It eliminated friends running and hurting each other to be first in line. Everyone had a spot. The only two people out of order were the line leader and the caboose.
I got this idea from another teacher blogger. I will try to find the blog so that I can edit and give her credit for the idea! My kiddos last year really struggled with lining up before and after recess to come in for lunch. When I found this idea I was sooo happy! Each kiddo is assigned a number for cubby order. I ask them to get in a "yes" line. A yes line is a line that is so good (quiet, straight, in order) that whatever question they ask me I would want to answer "yes" because they were so together. In our case the question was always about sitting where they would like for lunch instead of cubby order. Before recess I do a call and response with the kids.
Me- If you want to sit wherever you would like for lunch...
Class- We need to be in a "Yes" line
Me- In how many seconds?
Class- Ten Seconds!
Me- Alright. Go.
Once they were settled I would pick a stick and that friend would ask, "Ms. Morris can we sit where we want?" I would say "Yes, you sure can" if they were able to pull it together in cubby order with hallways hands and bubbles. If they we're not able to I would say "We didn't make it today, but maybe tomorrow, go play." They didn't need any further explanation. And I didn't need to take anything away. Cubby order for lunch had been the norm, so they were excited to get to sit out of it!
I use the kids numbers to label everything! They quickly learn their numbers and their friends. Glue sticks? Numbers on top. If we find one on the floor, we know who it belongs to! Pencils? Kids that can keep a pencil with their number on it for a certain period of time can earn a small prize. If pencils end up lost, they have numbers on them and can be returned to the right owner. Clip Chart? Numbers help with anonymity for any classroom visitors. On top of all of this, using a number system helps me reuse materials over and over again!
I have my kiddos write their names and numbers on every paper. They highlight their number as well! When I'm grading, I can put the papers in number order to quickly enter them into the grade book. On top of that, when I need to hand back papers, I can have a student assist me because they can match numbers to numbers if it is too hard to read a name. When I am passing them back, I can pass them back right in the order that they are laid out in the cubbies too!
SO, what do you all think? Did you find a good reason to number the kiddos or a new way you can use numbers? I think it is only as impersonal as you make it. Using my lunch example from earlier, I would never say, "Hey where's number 5?" It will always be "Where is Lisa?" Kiddos need to hear their names. Numbers just help with organization and accounting for everyone! I started using numbers and will never go back! I am already getting cubby tags ready for August's littles to go with my Nautical theme!
I hope they like them!
Leave a comment and let me know if you number and why or why not? Let me know how else you use numbers to work for your room!
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